Must-Read Books For Introverts

Must-Read Books for Introverts

If you’ve never thought there was a word for not wanting to make small talk, for always wanting to skip the party, and just be yourself and be by yourself most of the time, then congratulations, you’re most likely in the right place, looking for books for introverts. I’ve always gravitated toward activities that didn’t…

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari – Robin Sharma | Book Review

“Wisdom to Create a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Peace” as aptly captured in the book description, is what we need. This inspiring tale provides a step-by-step approach to living with greater courage, balance, abundance, and joy. A wonderfully-crafted fable, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari tells the extraordinary story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer…

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