Out in the meadow,
Leafs whisper mellow
Waiting to be struck by this
Indecent fellow-the round red ball.
Upon the crack of dawn,
Birds chirp in distrust;
Winds cry in despair;
Looking teased and embarrassed.
Mother bird threw a tantrum
For their lose of abode.
The atmosphere tirade-
All day for the loss of green.
But for the misdeed of earthlings’ ,
When they hew and dew
Nature’s first green; which is gold.
The leafs sees not struggle
And subsides to leave
When all is left is grief.
Delightful deceitful,
Earthlings’ Rejoice
We’ve made everywhere graceful.
Little did they know they’d lament
When in the end it lapse.
So did the rock consoled an aggrieved ant.
Told him not to wail in vein,
But wait until they implore
For his favor again.
Haliyah Oyindamola Bamgbose is law student in her penultimate year at Lagos state university, Ojo. As a law student, she has a keen interest in criminal litigation and environmental law. Altogether, she enjoys writing poems at her leisure hour. She has entered a few poems for publication, two of which was published by the Lagos literary circle-LLC. These poems include: Redefining death; and tangled thoughts. She hopes to thrive in the art of poetry in the future alongside her profession.