I am a dreamer, a writer who never published a word,
A painter who never sold her painting.
Inside me, there are untold stories, a passion.
I am a woman who can love like Aphrodite.
I am the caged bird who craves the freedom of a falcon.
My long wild hair holds memories and experiences,
Like an old, wild sea that holds memories of sunsets and skies.
I am a writer of dreams, who lives to imagine.
I nourish myself, groom my wings,
To fly away to my destination.
I paint what I dream and dream what I feel.
I spoil the ones I love,
With my gentle care, as soft as the wings of a dove.
I am an introvert, a well-reserved person,
Who only opens up to very few people.
I choose my people like pearls under the sea—
Very few, but precious.
As I grew up dreaming, imagining, drawing, and writing,
These passions became as precious as diamonds to me.
I extract knowledge from books,
To one day heal and enlighten the youth.
I am a romantic idealist.
I dream of a handsome man, righteous and kind,
Who can love me with passion, as vividly as my dreams and sketches.
I nourish my birds and pets,
The way I wish my mate could nourish me.
I paint, I write, I vividly explore—
An Aquarian soul, gentle and free,
Like the breeze of air and the tide of the sea.
One day, I believe, I’d grow the wings
Of none other than the butterfly
Or the dove.
So I could fly away and keep the faith.
This is my untold introduction to you.
Dua Asim is a student of English Language and Literature with a lifelong passion for writing. As both an artist and writer, Dua has composed several poems and is currently working on a romance novel. A highly imaginative and passionate dreamer, Dua embraces positive, continuous creative growth and thrives on bringing new ideas to life.