In the world of literature, there are countless writing competitions and opportunities for writers to showcase their skills and gain recognition for their work. We’ve scoured the internet to bring you a comprehensive list of the best writing competitions out there.

Whether you’re a novelist, a poet, or a short story writer, there’s something for everyone on this list.

Kindly go through the guidelines of the ones you’re interested in, and be sure to bookmark this page and visit it often for updates.




Shenandoah Magazine

This magazine is open for short story submissions, novel excerpts, and comics. Poetry opens on 1 March 2023. According to them, “Our editors love writing that stretches our imaginations and ways of thinking, surprises, makes us laugh, moves us, is formally interesting or challenging, defies genre, explores the confusing or uncomfortable, introduces us to new writers, thinks globally, has a distinctive voice, cares about the world, and does not assume white people are literature’s default characters.”

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: Up to $500; $100 per 1,000 words.

Deadline: Open until the submission cap is reached.



On the Premises Short Story Writing Competitions

This is a short fiction contest. They want a story on the ‘Where is..?’ theme, of 1,000-5,000 words, “in which one or more characters have a problem because something (someone?) important is missing. Whether whatever is missing is ever found is up to you.”

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: 1st-$250 | 2nd– $200 | 3rd– $150.

Deadline: 3 March, 2023.



The National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowships

This fellowship program is for published creative writers to set aside time for writing, research, travel, and general career advancement.

They operate on a two-year cycle with fellowships in prose and poetry available in alternating years. This year, they’re accepting applications in prose (fiction and creative nonfiction).

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: Up to $25,000 grants in prose.

Deadline: March 8, 2023.



>>READ ALSO: Poetry; Easy Ways to Understanding it<<



Solarpunk Magazine

This magazine is open for nonfiction/essay/poetry submissions on solarpunk themes.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $0.08/word for fiction, $75/essay, $40/poem.

Deadline: 14 March, 2023. (For BIPOC writers only)



descant Awards

They offer four awards:

  • the Frank O’Connor Award for fiction (for the best short story in an issue) | Prize: $500.
  • the Gary Wilson Award (for an outstanding story in an issue) | Prize: $250.
  • the Betsy Colquitt Award for poetry (for the best poem or series of poems by a single author in an issue) | Prize: $500.
  • the Baskerville Publishers Award (for an outstanding poem or poems by a single author in an issue.) | Prize: $250.

There is no separate application process. All works submitted to the journal are eligible for the prizes.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Deadline: 16 March, 2023.



Intrepid Times

They’re seeking submissions for an original, factual, first-person travel story about “a time you experienced romance while traveling.”

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $200

Deadline: 19 March, 2023.



Dragon’s Roost Press

This speculative fiction anthology is seeking science fiction, fantasy, and horror about original monsters.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $0.03/word.

Deadline: 30 March, 2023.



A Public Space Writing Fellowship

This is an international six-month fellowship for emerging writers, and the aim is to seek out and support writers who embrace risk in their work and their own singular vision.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $1,000.

Deadline: 31 March, 2023.



Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color Award

This is an international grant is to support an emerging writer in crime fiction writing and career development activities.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $2,000.

Deadline: 31 March, 2023.



>>READ ALSO: Love in the Time of Crisis – Kemi Adewale | Short Story<<



The Every Animal Project

This anthology is for stories about courageous animals. They are particularly interested in spotlighting species less familiar to people, like insects, marine animals, and reptiles.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: 1st– $300 | 2nd – $200 | 3rd–  $50 | Others: $20.

Deadline: 31 March, 2023.



The Foley Poetry and Writing Competitions

They’re seeking an unpublished poem of 45 lines or fewer. They are also open for general submissions, apart from the contest.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $1,000.

Deadline: 31 March, 2023.



The DRF Writers Award

This is an award for writers of British Commonwealth countries, and Eire. According to them, “It is for a first-time prose writer whose submission demonstrates literary talent and who would benefit from financial support to complete their work.”

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: £10,000 | £1,000.

Deadline: 31 March, 2023.



Robert B. Silvers Foundation Grants

This is for English-language writers of any nationality. It is to support long-form essays (essay-length or book-length) in the fields of literary criticism, arts writing, political analysis, and/or social reportage.

Prize: Up to $10,000.

Deadline: 31 March, 2023.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<



Substack Writing Competitions

This is a recurring monthly short story writing competition.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $100.

Deadline: 31st March, 2023.



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