Do you have a story, poem, or artwork to put out there? Take advantage of this list of writing opportunities to share your work and win prizes this June. Read the guidelines carefully, and submit your best. And don’t forget to save this page for more opportunities. 

They’re holding a short story contest with a twist: your story must include an incident of defenestration, defined as a sudden, immediate, and possibly violent shift or change. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: $75 for the winner | $30 for two runner-ups.

Deadline: June 2nd, 2024.



This journal, is seeking character-driven fiction and nonfiction under 5,000 words. They want stories that explore the intricacies of human nature with empathy and curiosity. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: €200 for non-commissioned writers and translators.

Deadline: June 4th, 2024.


805 Lit + Art 

They seek unexpected, striking, and moving writing and art (poetry, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, art, and photography) for their August and November issues. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< 

Deadline: June 7th, 2024, or until cap is reached. 


The Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Contest 

They’re inviting students ages 11-18 to “Tell Your Climate Story” through various creative categories, including visual art, poetry, film, and more. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: Range from $100 to $1,000 in each category.

Deadline: June 10th, 2024.


Anarchist Fictions Journal 

They seek literary short fiction (5,000-10,000 words) and poetry (up to 5 poems per submission) exploring themes of anarchy and anarchism. For this call, they’re specifically seeking submissions from BIPOC writers and people of marginalised genders. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Pay: At least $50 per story, $10-$35 per poem.

Deadline: June 10th, 2024.


The New Scientist 

They are looking for fun and quirky science stories for their double-length Holiday issue. Think animals, food, history, or Christmas-related science with a new twist. They’re aiming for 15 features ranging from 1200-2300 words. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: £660 for 1200 words

Deadline: June 14th, 2024.


Carte Blanche

Canadian magazine Carte Blanche is seeking creative submissions exploring the theme of “Play” for their upcoming Issue 49. They welcome fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, translations (French to English only), photography, and comics. Think narrative experiments, odd stories, humour, weird fiction, and the quirky. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $75 per piece

Deadline: June 15th, 2024.


The Norton Writer’s Prize 

This offers undergraduate students the chance to win a prize for their original nonfiction pieces (1,000-3,000 words). Various forms are accepted, from literacy narratives to reports, memoirs, and more. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: Three prizes of $1,000.

Deadline: June 15th, 2024.


The Goi Peace Foundation 

They are holding an international essay contest for young people up to 25 years old. The theme is “My Experience of Overcoming Conflict,” and entries can be in English, French, or Japanese. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: up to $660 are awarded in each category (children & youth).

Deadline: June 15th, 2024.



This mag is open to fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction, and visual art submissions that challenge traditional genre boundaries and explore the strange, surreal, and atypical. They’re seeking innovative, high-quality work that evokes unnamed feelings. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Pay: $5 per 1,000 words for the first 2,000 words, $10 per 1,000 words thereafter (up to $30).

Deadline: June 15th, 2024.


Writers Space Africa (WSA) 

This magazine is calling for submissions on the theme of “Obsession” for its 92nd edition. Categories include creative nonfiction, children’s literature, flash fiction, poetry, and short stories. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Deadline: June 15th, 2024.


Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors 

This is a contest seeking stories (2,500-5,000 words) envisioning a future where climate solutions have flourished. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: $3,000 + residency | $2,000 | $1,000 | Nine $300 prizes.

Deadline: June 24th, 2024.



The CANEX Creative Writing Workshop

In conjunction with the James and Grace Adichie Foundation, they invite prose writers of African and Caribbean descent to hone their narrative skills and learn the business of writing. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Deadline: June 30th, 2024.



Umuofia Arts and Book Festival

Honouring the legacy of Chinua Achebe, the Umuofia fest is calling for submissions (poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and essays) for its anthology. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Deadline: June 30th, 2024.



The African Diaspora Award 2024

They are calling for submissions from Afro-descendant artists. Share your original, unpublished work (short stories, flash fiction, essays, poetry, or visual art) celebrating African culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: 1st: Up to $1000 and publication.

Deadline: June 30th, 2024.



Vweta Chadwick Poetry Prize

The Vweta Chadwick Poetry Prize celebrates women’s voices and experiences through poetry. The contest invites submissions exploring the theme of “Women Together – We Heal, We Build, We Lift.” Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: Up to N500,000 and a feature in a special anthology, with a virtual award ceremony honoring the winners and their poems.

Deadline: June 30th, 2024.



Theatre503’s International Playwriting Award 

They are seeking submissions from debut/early-career playwrights worldwide. This award champions new talent and offers a platform for their work. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: £3,000 prize money + £3,000 advance against 8% of gross box office.

Deadline: June 30th, 2024. 


The Fountain Essay Contest 

They’re seeking essays on the theme “Where is Home?”.  Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: $1,000 | $500 | $300 | Two $150 awards. 

Deadline: June 30th, 2024.


Last Stanza Poetry Journal 

They are accepting submissions for a themed poetry issue, “A Table in the Wilderness.” Submit up to three poems, each no longer than 64 lines, and in any style (preferably non-rhyming). Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $100 for an outstanding poem, plus an optional interview.

Deadline: June 30th, 2024.


The Drue Heinz Literature Prize 

They’re seeking unpublished short story collections, or two or more novellas (150-300 pages) from previously published writers. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $15,000 and publication by the University of Pittsburgh Press.

Deadline: June 30th, 2024.


The Preservation Foundation Contest 

They are seeking unpublished, true nonfiction stories (1,000-5,000 words) for their general nonfiction category. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: $200 | $100.

Deadline: June 30th, 2024. 


The Writer’s College 

They’re holding “My Writing Journey” competition, inviting writers worldwide to share a 600-word essay on the best writing tip they’ve ever received. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: £100. 

Deadline: June 30th, 2024.


Fiery Scribe Review 

They’re curating poetry, fiction, personal essays, art, and experimental writing for their Summer Issue 7, themed “ANTI-OPPRESSION.” Explore the depths of oppression worldwide, but avoid hate speech or harmful content. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Pay: $10 per submission. 

Deadline: June 30th, 2024.


Rolling Submissions

These are open calls with recurring deadlines or without specified deadlines; be sure to check if they haven’t reached their submission caps or closed, before submitting.



D’LitReview website is open for submissions. Send your poetry, fiction, non-fiction, essays, hybrid work, you name it! Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< 



They’re seeking your abandoned creative work—the stories, poems, or art projects that have received multiple rejections. They’ll pair your work with a collaborative response crafted from your rejection letters. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Payment: $50 per entry.


Africa in Dialogue 

They seek unpublished interviews between African interviewers and African storytellers (writers, filmmakers, artists, etc.) exploring African realities, narratives, and philosophies. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<


Afrihill Press 

They welcome submissions in all genres, including poetry, fiction, nonfiction, playlets, essays, and book reviews, exploring human society, non-human spaces, and other dynamics in the world. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Pay: 5,000 Naira per accepted work.


Blue Earth Review 

They welcome ambitious, focused works of short fiction (under 4,000 words), creative nonfiction (under 3,000 words), poetry (up to 5 poems), and visual art that enrich our understanding of the human experience. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Payment: 2 contributor’s copies.


After Dinner Conversation 

They accept short story submissions (1,500-7,000 words) that spur ethical and philosophical discussions, regardless of genre. Think “The Trolley Problem” in short story form. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Pay: $75 for accepted stories.



They’re seeking short fiction (1,000-1,500 words) in horror, fantasy, sci-fi, and crime/mystery with minimal or no dialogue, as well as nonfiction pieces. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Pay: $0.04 per word.


Bourbon Penn 

They want fiction submissions with a healthy dose of the odd. Think slipstream, cross-genre, magic realism, absurdist, and the surreal. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Pay: $0.04/word.


New Welsh Review 

They are accepting fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and feature pitches. Work is selected in June, September, and March for publication in the corresponding months. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Pay: £100 for fiction | £170 for nonfiction | £28 per poem.



Red Ogre Review

Red Ogre Review seeks poetry, prose poetry, book reviews, critical essays, visual art, and music. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<


Shelfy Editorial 

Shelfy Editorial wants engaging pieces that analyze and celebrate culture with a focus on long-term impact. They pay writers a starting rate of $0.50 per word.  Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<


Men’s Journal 

Men’s Journal, a lifestyle publication for men, is looking for big, impactful feature stories. Think inspiring adventures, deep dives into luxury items,  in-depth health reporting, or other compelling narratives that appeal to their audience. They pay $250 for pieces between 600-800 words.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<


Shark Tank Enthusiasts Wanted

Do you love Shark Tank? A writing/editing position is available for someone passionate about the show.  Expect to work 40-50 hours per month at a rate of $15 per hour. 

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<


The International Policy Journal 

The International Policy Journal wants your ideas on improving foreign policy. They welcome articles (750-1,000 words, $400 payment) and in-depth features (3,000 words, $1,500 payment). 

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<



Fansplaining, a podcast-turned-written publication about fandom, is accepting pitches for well-researched and analytical pieces (2,000 – 4,000 words).  They’re not interested in quick takes. Payment is $250 per piece.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<


Trampset Journal

Trampset Journal seeks short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from diverse voices. They welcome simultaneous submissions but do not accept multiple submissions at once.  Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $25 per accepted piece.



The 20Something Pub

Submit your 20s-themed stories to this mag, focusing on personal experiences, challenges, triumphs, and life lessons. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<


The Kalahari Review 

This vibrant African literary magazine is seeking fresh, unconventional perspectives on modern Africa. They accept various genres, including fiction, essays, poetry, and visual art.  Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<


Farafina Books Blog

Submit your short stories, poems, and reviews (minimum 500 words) to Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<



Palimpset Press

As part of their commitment to breaking down barriers for BIPOC, Deaf, and Disabled authors, they are now accepting submissions year-round from authors who identify as above. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<



The University of Wisconsin Press

They have introduced a new series called Women and Gender in Africa, inviting manuscripts from African-born authors. The series, edited by UW–Madison professors Jacqueline-Bethel Mougoué and Aili Mari Tripp, focuses on publishing original research in history, politics, and cultural studies. It seeks innovative works addressing topics such as women and religion, LGBTQI+ concerns, human rights, migration, and more. Manuscripts should engage in broad theoretical debates, demonstrate comparative insights, and incorporate discussions on literature and popular culture. Submissions will be evaluated based on significance, quality of scholarship, clarity, and marketability. Authors can inquire about their projects by contacting the series editors or submitting a brief email query. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<



Naija Theatre

They are currently open for reviews, aiming to publish 1-2 reviews monthly. To submit, individuals are required to watch a Nigerian stage play, write a review, and share their name, email address, and the review itself. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: NGN50,000 for each accepted and published review.

Deadline: 25th of each month.



Shenandoah Literary

Fiction submissions for short stories and novel excerpts are now open on Shenandoah Literary. Only the first 250 submissions will be accepted.

Check the details and guidelines for submissions >>here<<



Illino Magazine

They’re looking for African fiction; afrofuturism, extended folklore, fantasy, mystic fiction, and young adult fiction by African writers who currently live in an African country.

Prizes: From $20.

Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<



The War Cry

The Salvation Army magazine welcomes writings from freelance writers. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: If you create something new, they pay $0.35 for each word, and for articles they’ve published before, it’s $0.15 per word



Contingent Magazine 

A history magazine currently accepting pitches. They’re interested in various formats. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<


$250 for shorts, field trips, and reviews.

$100 for mailbags and mini-essays.

$50 for postcards.



The Nonprofit Quarterly (NPQ)

This nonprofit magazine is on the lookout for pitches. They are specifically seeking pieces for their new column called “We Stood Up,” which features the voices of individuals working towards economic justice in their workplace. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $300.




They are currently open for pitches. They feature retrospectives of life experiences in the style of a Big Tech post-mortem, written by funny and witty people. If you have a humorous take on life experiences, they want to hear from you. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $100. 




This magazine focused on untold stories in tech, is open to pitches at all times. Prize: The pay ranges between $0.80 and $1 per word. If you have an interesting pitch, you can send it to Before pitching, it’s a good idea to check their website to get a sense of the kind of work they publish. Check it out >>here<< 



Type Investigations 

This is a nonprofit investigative newsroom with a focus on pressing issues such as racial and economic justice, climate and environmental health, and civil and human rights. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: They typically offer compensation ranging from $3,000 to $6,000, which includes coverage for travel and reporting expenses. 


The Progress Network 

This is a movement striving for a brighter future amidst a world often filled with pessimistic voices. They are eager to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and progress-oriented perspectives on various themes including history, psychology, philosophy, and culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: The compensation for contributions ranges between $250 and $650.



The Drift

Positioning itself as a “magazine of culture and politics,” they’re seeking socially engaged cultural criticism, class-sensitive analysis, pieces addressing overlooked or evaded aspects in politics, media, arts, or academia, along with upbeat cynicism, un-self-serious screeds, generous takedowns, entries from the margins, fiction, poetry, and concise book, movie, TV, or art reviews. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: $2,000 for essays, $500 to $1,000 for short stories, $150 for poems, and $25 for Mentions. 



The New Yorker

They accept fiction, poetry, shouts & murmurs and daily shouts, cartoons, and other type of writings. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Benefit: Publication.


Flora Fiction 

They welcome submissions of artwork and offer a platform for artists to share insights related to creativity, including processes, inspiration, critical thinking, and more. The submission categories include Flash Fiction, Poetry & Prose, Photography, and Drawings & Illustration. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Benefit: Publication.



Apex Magazine 

Their submission portal for short fiction is currently open. If you have a speculative fiction piece ready, this is your chance to submit. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $0.08 per word



The House of Gamut 

Fiction and poetry submissions are currently open. If you have stories fitting the genres of fantasy, science fiction, horror, thrillers, neo-noir, new-weird, transgressive fiction, magical realism, or literary fiction leaning into the genre, this is your chance to submit. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $0.10 per word (fiction). $50 per poem for new work and $25 per poem for reprints. (Poetry) 



The Cosmic Background

If you enjoy crafting flash fiction stories that don’t necessarily follow a conventional narrative and love the bizarre and unusual, this is your chance to submit. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $0.08 per word



The O’Shaughnessy Fellowship 

This fellowship presents a unique opportunity for innovative creators worldwide. It is a one-year remote program open to individuals above eighteen years old. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: up to $100,000 in funding, along with access to founders, investors, and experts who will provide support in bringing your projects to life.



The RCDIJ Africa Fund 

They are actively providing support for small to mid-scale data and/or investigative journalism projects across various crucial topics, including education, health, security, environment, democracy, corruption, economy, migration, technology, culture, and development. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: Successful projects can be awarded funding ranging from $1,000 to $10,000



Eco Punk Literary Magazine 

They offer a continuous submission window for writers and artists interested in contributing Eco Poetry and Artwork. If you have environmentally-themed poetry or artwork, this could be an excellent platform for your creative expression. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $10.




They accept submissions in the categories of Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prize: $50.



Palette Poetry 

They exclusively accept submissions in the Poetry genre. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<<

Prizes: $50 per poem, up to $150.


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